Welcome to the ____ / ___) *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast / (_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ___) / (__ very weekend the *StarShip* on GEnie presents a new 5-MINUTE Weekend (_____) Newscast in Communications Room 10 in the Real-Time Conference Area. Featuring late-breaking stories from the Amiga community, these dynamic, scrolling newscasts cycle every 5 minutes, so you can stop by between 6PM and 3AM Eastern time on Friday, or 3PM and 3AM Eastern time on Saturday or Sunday and learn everything that happened during the preceding week. Industry news, product announcements, upgrades, rumors, special *StarShip* activities, trade show reports, GEnie usage tips, humor, recommended files to download... ... the works -- and it ONLY takes 5 minutes! Each 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast is available on *StarShip* Menu #10 during the following week. Periodically, newscasts are combined and made available for downloading from the *StarShip* Library. ____________________________________________________________ // \ || -*- IMPORTANT! -*- | || | || As long as individual stories are kept intact and credit | || is given, this material may be reproduced in ALL or PART | || on a privately owned BBS or in a user group newsletter. | || See wording for proper credit at the end of this Newscast. | \\____________________________________________________________/ || | || | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Denny Atkin, Editor, COMPUTE'S Amiga Resource, for his generous input. Here we go!... DateLine: January 29, 1993 This 5-MINUTE Newscast presents the following stories: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. CEI to Distribute Commodore Amiga and PC Products 2. Babylon 5 Featured in January Computer Graphics World 3. GVP Announces Free Upgrade for ImageFX/Cinemorph 4. Next Week's *StarShip* Amiga Conferences 5. Reminder: excellence! Version 3 from Micro-Systems Software 6. Ocean of America Releases New Amiga Games 7. An Urgent Appeal from Fred Fish Himself *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 1st of 7 Stories ____ CEI to Distribute Commodore Amiga and PC Products / ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / (_ Miami, FL -- January 1, 1993 / ___) / (_ (____)ffective this date, Creative Equipment International (CEI) announces an agreement with Commodore Business Machines, Inc., of West Chester, PA, to distribute the Commodore line of Amiga and PC computers and peripherals in the United States. This agreement gives Creative Equipment "National Aggregator" status and follows a recent Latin American distribution agreement between the two companies earlier in 1992. With this new agreement, CEI will now be able to market directly to the existing dealer and affiliate network of Amiga resellers. Primary emphasis will be put into establishing new CEI authorized dealers from the Canadian border on the north to the southern tip of Chile in South America. The Amiga computer line, long the standard in animation and video fields, can also boast some new additions with enhanced models. These include the A600 and A1200 entry-level machines and the Amiga flagship A4000 computers that set new standards of "out of the box" graphics power. The A1200 and A4000 computers both use the AGA (Advanced Graphic Architecture) chip set. These computers include 262,000 screen colors out of a 16 million color palette available in all screen resolutions of up to 1280 horizontal pixels and up to 800 vertical pixels. They are also capable of up to sixty frames per second animation in all resolution and color modes. Commodore promises to aggressively release new technology in the coming year that will feature truly remarkable advances and affordability. PCMCIA slots are standard in most new models. CEI will focus on establishing new Multimedia dealers in the U.S. by targeting those who have traditionally sold Apple and PC compatibles. These dealers will be able to purchase complete multimedia solutions for resale. Solutions will include complete Video Toaster workstations, ImpactVision animation systems, digital recording workstations and more. Orderly and limited distribution will benefit these select dealers in their respective territories while allowing greater dealer profits. Chuck Schenk, Vice President of marketing stated, "CEI dealers will not only benefit from the service, price and product selection but also from the ready-made solutions which are available!" For further information contact Chuck Schenk, Vice President of Marketing, Creative Equipment International, 6864 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33144, (305) 266-2800 or FAX (305) 261-2544. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 2nd of 7 Stories ____ Babylon 5 Featured in January Computer Graphics World / ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / (_ *StarShip* News Network - January 28, 1993 / ___) / (_ (____)ye-catching Amiga-rendered 3D graphics from the upcoming "Babylon 5" television pilot, scheduled to air in February, grace the cover of Computer Graphics World's January issue -- which is available on newsstands across the country. Designed with NewTek's Toaster by Ron Thornton of Foundation Imaging (a special *StarShip* conference guest last month), this complex, fascinating image (plus others inside) points to a feature article called "Prime-Time Proving Ground for 3D Graphics" by Barbara Robertson. Robertson initially delves into projects done with pricier graphics systems in the production of such TV specials as "Last Halloween," Oliver Stone's miniseries "Wild Palms" scheduled to air next month, Steven Spielberg's "Sea Quest," an action-adventure series set for fall '93, Kevin Costner's documentary "500 Nations" expected to air in 1994, and 3D graphics created for "Space Rangers" series (using off-the-shelf Swivel 3D, Electric Image, and Photoshop software running on Macintoshes), before she finally gets to the Amiga and Babylon 5 -- although once again, NewTek steals the show. Says Robertson, "... the animators at Foundation Imaging had an edge most people don't have. They had Newtek [sic] programmers helping them out." Indeed, although NewTek was unavailable for comment yesterday, a sidebar to Computer Graphics World's article details "Newtek's New Technology" thusly: _______________________________________________________________________ / \ | Newtek's New Technology | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | (According to Computer Graphics World) | | | | One of the advantages high-profile Hollywood visual effects artists | | who work with the Toaster have is that Newtek bends over backward to | | accommodate their particular needs. The advantage to everyone else is | | that Newtek plans to add the things these artists demand to its | | standard software. Sometime this spring, a software-only upgrade for | | LightWave will become available. Among LightWave's Hollywood-inspired | | additions and improvements, according to Newtek, are: | | | | o specialized anti-aliasing to reduce flicker. As the program is | | rendering, the company claims, it looks for problem areas and | | corrects them; | | o motion blur; | | o depth of field; | | o lens flare; | | o faster rendering times, by as much as five times, claims Newtek; | | o splines; | | o Booleans, which let you, for example, drill a hole in an object, or | | combine two objects and strip out the sections that cross; | | o a new feature called "bones." Newtek's version of freeform | | deformations, bones are "influence objects." That is, they influence | | whatever things(s) they're near or inside or touching. When you move | | a bone, the model moves with it. You could put a bone in the center | | of a picture and twist the picture by twisting the bone. Or use them | | to move an arm, or animate a face. They bigger they are or the | | closer they are, the more they influence a model. "They're like | | force fields," says Newtek's Daniel Kaye. "They make character | | animation a snap." | \_______________________________________________________________________/ The January issue of Computer Graphics World is recommended reading for informed Amiga owners -- who should be further delighted to see a screen (in Macintosh format) on page 49 illustrating an article called "Visiting Lost Cities," which was used in the AmigaVision presentation about Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, which is available in the *StarShip* Software Library. While you're browsing the mag racks, consider getting the latest AC's Guide to the Commodore Amiga as well. Even at $11.95, we think this compendium of Amiga products (hardware, software and services) is the best thing PiM Publications, publisher of Amazing Computing magazine, puts out. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 3rd of 7 Stories _____ GVP Announces Free Upgrade for ImageFX/Cinemorph / ____) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / /___ King of Prussia, PA. -- January, 1993 / /( ) / (__) / (______/VP announced that it has released upgrades for its popular software packages, ImageFX and CineMorph. CineMorph has met with phenomenal success since its release in September, 1992. This easy-to-use morphing package was immediately acclaimed for its powerful features, which give the user the ability to warp single images, morph sequences of multiple images and even full motion video with the fastest possible speeds available in any morphing package. New features of the upgrade include infinite zoom, regional dissolve, point naming and point locking. New gadgets have been added to the curve editor window which allow for greater flexibility. In addition, AGA support has been added to the Render Menu. ImageFX, which combines the traditional elements of images processing and editing with high-end special effects, was released in November, 1992 and already promises to set a new standard in visual effects software packages for the Amiga. This powerful software contains all the features of CineMorph plus a host of other image processing features. This new version of ImageFX also adds AGA modes to the Amiga preview, and render modes and puts all Amiga resolutions, including AGA, in the Foreign render module as well. OpalVision rendering, more keyboard shortcuts and an improved file requester have also been added to an impressive list of features. These upgrades, coming so soon after the release of ImageFX and CineMorph, reflect GVP's ongoing commitment to providing professional quality video processing and editing software at an affordable price. Gary Gehman, president of Magic Bullet Communications, has this observation about ImageFX, "I believe that it is the single most important graphics program for the Amiga in five years," he says. "This is of considerable interest to the average Amiga hobbyist, but it is a revolutionary and highly profitable windfall to the people who actually use their Amigas to make a living." Registered owners of ImageFX are receiving their free upgrades already. GVP is a privately held company that was founded in 1988. Today it is the world's largest third party supplier of peripherals for the Commodore Amiga. For more information contact Sheila Kirby at (215) 337-8770 extension 244. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 4th of 7 Stories __________________________________________________________________________ | | | *StarShip* Amiga Conferences | | ____ _ | | / ___) / ) | | / (_ ____ / /_ ___ __ __ ____ ___ __ __ | | / ___)/ ___)/ _ )/ __)/ / / // _ ) / __)/ / / / | | / / / __) / (/ // / / (_/ // (/ / / / / (_/ / | | (_/ (____)(____/(_/ (_____((_____)(_/ (___ / | | ___/ / | | (____/ | | | | Except where noted, Conferences begin at 10PM Eastern Time in the Amiga | | Conference Rooms at Page 555;2. Amiga Programmers meet Wednesday nights | | at Pro/Am on Page 670. Amiga/GEnie HelpDesk EVERY Night at 9PM Eastern. | |__________________________________________________________________________| | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Humpday |Thursday | Friday | Saturday | | Help@9EST| Help@9EST|Help@9EST| Help@9EST|Help@9EST| Help@9EST| Help@9EST| |__________|__________|_________|__________|_________|__________|__________| | Jan 31 | 1 | 2 |\ | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |5-MIN News| | _| | | | New |5-MIN News| | 3PM-3AM | DeskTop | (_) | AmiGames |vv-Video!|*StarShip*|9:Hardware| | -*- |Publishing| Mad | ------ | with | 5-MINUTE | Clinic | |10PM: | Night | Music |Programing| Yury & | Newscast |10: Amiga | | Graphics | | Night |at Pro/Am | Guests | 6PM-3AM |PartyNight| |__________|__________|_________|__________|_________|__________|__________| HelpDesk *EVERY* NIGHT @ 9PM Eastern Time! Got a problem? If you have questions about learning to use your Amiga, the *StarShip* or GEnie, we have answers! Stop by Conference Room 4 ANY EVENING from 9 to 10 EST for live, on-the-spot help. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 5th of 7 Stories Reminder: excellence! Version 3 from Micro-Systems Software _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \/ \ West Palm Beach, FL - January 1993 / \ / /\ /\ \ (_/ \/ \_)icro-Systems Software's excellence! has always been reviewed in magazines as the most technically prestigious word processor for the Amiga. Today, with its superior AmigaDOS 2.04-compatible face lift, excellence! Version 3 takes advantage of the Amiga better than ever! excellence! never maintained any competition, but this version is so far superior over other word processors that Steven Pagliarule, M-SS's vice president of Research and Development is quoted as saying, "Without suggestions from our avid excellence! fans, we never could have become so popular... we get many letters from our users telling us what they want added to future versions; we would be fools not to listen. excellence! users know what they require better than anyone and we've always implemented their suggestions in a heart beat, so they continue to let us know what they need. excellence! is a word processor written for the people and by the people!" Features in excellence version 3, aside from the new look and feel, include user-specified automatic times saves, French and German spelling checker support, improved ruler, bookmark support, ARexx support, speech device, automatic palette correction, customizable grammatical checker, new ASL-compatible font/file requesters and multiple backups which are user specified. Several members of the Micro-Systems beta test team are reported as saying, "The best thing about excellence! Version 3 is not what Micro-Systems Software has done, but what they _haven't_ done. Even though excellence! is now slicker than ever, it hasn't eliminated the DOS 1.3 owners. excellence! is 2.04 compatible, not specific, so 1.3 people get the look and feel of a new system without having to spend hard earned money for 2.04, and there are mass amounts of 1.3 people out there!" Micro-Systems Software, a significant software developer for the Amiga from the start, still remains the leader of the pack with excellence! Version 3 and all of their other fine productivity products. While other software developers come and and go in today's changing economy, it's great to know that the company who sold you your first Amiga word processor is still around to give you technical assistance for it. Micro-Systems Software's technical support is always free and unlimited. "Support makes software users extremely loyal and proves that we're not only interested in selling software, but actually making sure you know how to use it! Our users can own an MSS product for 10 years and we'll continue to support the dinosaur no matter what. Outstanding support for your products always pays off in the long run; give people fantastic and consistent service and they'll fantastically, consistently service you. The car companies could stand to learn a lesson from us," suggests Esther Lee Appleman, President and CEO of Micro-Systems Software. Features new to Version 3: * User specified automatic timed saves * Support for the ECS high resolution productivity mode * French and German Spelling Checker Support * AppIcon/AppMenuItem for Workbench Support * Up to 8 columns per page * Automatic palette correction * 16-color screen support * Document reading with the Amiga speech device * Adjustable cursor options * Customizable grammatical checker * User definable color elements * Improved ruler with many new features * Multiple backups (number is user specified) * New ASL Compatible font/file requesters * ARexx Support * Bookmark support * AGFA/Compugraphic Outline Font support * Modern AmigaDOS 2.04 compatible interface (operates for AmigaDOS 1.3) Accessories o 140 thousand word dictionary with legal, medical, technical, scientific, geographic, and biographic supplements o 1.4 million word Thesaurus (with definitions) o User dictionary maintenance utility o Spell-as-you-type o Grammar and style checker o Bullet proof hyphenation o Glossary with macro key support o Safe exit from program saves Glossary changes o Safe exit from documents for no lost date o Macros can be assigned to almost any key o Math o Paragraph sorting o Index and Tables of Contents generation o Full word indexing Printing o 100% Color PostScript support o 4 types of printer output, special HP support o Internal printer font support o Mail Merge o Preferences printer driver compatible o Mixed mode printing o Landscape printing o Documents can be printed to disk files for transfer to service bureaus and electronic mail systems Graphics o Mix pictures with text in paragraphs o Graphics in headers, footers or footnotes o WYSIWYG editing o Picture scaling and cropping Formatting o Mouse and keyboard support o Left, Justified, Centered & Flush paragraph o Left Justified, Centered & Decimal tabs o Multiple headers, footers and footnotes (odd and even headers, footers) o Cut, copy and paste Headers, Footers and Footnotes o Global font and style substitutions o Page and Ruler settings stored in document o User defined Page Setup and Print defaults o Direct input of paragraph leading value o Display current date and time in document o Automatically numbered footnotes o Insert retains all text and codes o Text files retain tab characters Other Features o Typing speed exceeds 170 words per minute o IFF and ASCII file import o Document summary for quick statistics o Free technical support for registered users o Clipboard support o Easy insertion of foreign characters o Not copy protected o Undo typing o Metric file conversion utility o Hard drive install utility o Verification utility insures disks are perfect o Markers and Margins may be separately hidden o Project icon support o Up to 250 fonts in a single document o Reads Scribble! files o Page GoTo o Virtual memory manager o 2, 4, or 8 color windows and color printing o Long path name support o Low, medium & high resolution IFF support o Support for interlaced windows excellence! Version 3 is available from Amiga dealers at a suggested retail price of only $99.95. The upgrade path from previous versions is an economical $29.95 plus shipping fees. excellence! Version 3 requires 1 megabyte of memory. For more information contact M-SS at 12798 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 202, West Palm Beach, FL 33414, telephone 407/790-0770 or FAX 407/790-1341. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 6th of 7 Stories Ocean of America Releases New Amiga Games _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / _ ) Las Vegas, NV -- January 7, 1993 / / ) / / (_/ / (_____/cean of America, Inc., a leader in the electronic-entertainment industry, today announced at the Consumer Electronics Show that Lethal Weapon, based on the Warner Bros. film series, will ship next month for IBM-PC compatible and Commodore Amiga computer platforms. A very strong video-game seller for the Super NES, the computer software version of Lethal Weapon will be available nationwide in February, 1993, at a suggested retail price of $49.95 for both IBM-compatible and Amiga systems. Lethal Weapon is based on the adventures of Los Angeles cops Roger Murtaugh and Martin Riggs -- made popular on the big screen by Danny Glover and Mel Gibson. Just like the silver-screen hot-shots, gamers are faced with a veritable crime wave, in which they must duck and dodge impending doom in the subway, a shopping mall, office buildings and the waterfront, where one wrong move will set them face-to-face with ravenous sharks. "Intense action is what this game is all about," said Sherri Hinson, director of operations for Ocean of America. "Our sales on Super NES to date tell us that action gamers find Lethal Weapon riveting. Now computer gamers can enjoy the level of excitement in a version of the game totally adapted to their more powerful computer hardware." Adding to Lethal Weapon's intensity are clips from the movie brought to life in MCGA, VGA, EGA or Tandy 16-color graphics. The game additionally supports most leading sound boards, including Ad Lib, SoundBlaster, PS/1 DAC and Tandy Enhanced Sound. Ocean also announced that its Cool World software game will ship next month for IBM-compatibles and Amiga personal computers. Based on the Paramount Pictures classic movie, Cool World will be available nationwide in February at a suggested retail price of $49.95 for either IBM-compatibles or Amiga systems. The computer software version of the innovative animated feature film lets consumers take on the role of cartoonist Jack Deebs, creator of Cool World, cartoon-land home of the lovely Holli Would and other cartoon characters called Doodles. Hoping to win the affection of Holli, his voluptuous creation, Deebs enters the fantasy he created and sets off on a rollicking adventure that lives up to the high action-gaming standards that have become an Ocean trademark. Deeb's entry to Cool World leaves the door open for Doodles to escape to the real world. Now they're running around Las Vegas and it's up to the gamer to somehow get them back where they belong. But first the gamer must battle through Cool World, which turns out to be full of dangers itself. "Cool World is an all-out adventure," said Sherri Hinson, director of operations for Ocean of America. "Danger hides behind a misleadingly innocent landscape of talking buildings and candy trees. It's an artful blend of images from the movie and the no-holds-barred action and adventure consumers have come to expect from Ocean." Deebs' Cool World journey takes gamers from pawn shops to the night club to the library -- protecting himself along the way with his newly found Doodle capabilities: a long-arm hammer punch. His Doodle enemies are equally imaginative -- a fire-breathing wolf, cut-throats to bribe or battle, and goofy police. But Deebs' ultimate success required a return to Las Vegas for a final showdown to face Holli and other renegade Doodles. Ocean also announced the immediate availability of Wizkid for the IBM-PC and Amiga personal computers. In Wizkid, which carries a suggested retail price of $39.95, gamers must clear nine levels of zany arcade-style action interspersed among head-scratching puzzles. Described as one of the looniest games ever available for personal computers, Wizkid's appeal is in the stunning graphic presentation of the game's fantasy universe. Wizkid offers complete support of MCGA, VGA, EGA and Tandy 16-color on IBM-compatible formats, and makes full use of the Amiga's graphics capabilities on that system as well. Wizkid's light-hearted storyline is as wacky as its graphics: Wizball, Wizard and Nifta the Cat, the game's three heroes, must track down their long-time nemesis, Zark, in The Land of Wiz. Gamers can choose to be any one of the three heroes -- each of whom possesses unique characteristics -- as they set out to collect as many kittens as they can, while bopping Zark's nasty minions with bricks. The fantasy world also includes a zany batch of other items for gamers to collect and purchase, including teeth, Wizdollars, flying tiles, even the daily newspaper. "Most of the market views computer-gamers as far more 'serious' than video-game players," said Sherri Hinson, Ocean's director of operations. "But in reality, computer gamers enjoy way-out arcade games as much as any other gamers -- as long as the game is well designed and takes advantage of the personal computer's hardware capabilities." Along with the game's strong graphics, Wizkid supports leading sound boards for IBM-compatible systems, including Ad Lib, Sound Blaster, P/S 1 DAC and Tandy Enhanced Sound. On the Amiga, Wizkid delivers full stereo sound. Last month (December 1992) Ocean of America shipped six new games for the Amiga, including: The Addams Family (tm), a kooky treasure hunt through the demonic twists and turns of the Addams Family mansion and its grounds. Action/Adventure, $49.95. PushOver (tm), G.I. Ant, gamers' on-screen persona, blazes a trail through the treasure caves of Captain Rat, and must knock over every domino on the screen in the right order to trigger the last domino and move to the next level. Puzzle strategy, $49.95. Epic (tm), a 3D simulation with polygon graphics where the gamer's mission is no less than the salvation of all the races of the Federation. The only hope for survival is to convoy an entire civilization to new worlds. Simulation, $49.95. Espana: The Games '92, destined to become a classic in the library of every sports fan, includes 30 events and eight teams: track and field, swimming and diving, and tough one-on-one competition sports like boxing and fencing. Sports simulation, $39.95. Elf (tm), wherein Cornelius travels through enchanted woods, mines, forest thickets, mountain peaks, castles and jungle swamps (more than 60 locations) in search of Princess Elisa, captive of the evil Necrilous. Fantasy role playing adventure, $39.95. Hook, where Neverland is more dangerous than ever as gamers, playing Peter Pan, seek his kidnapped children and their captor, Captain Hook. 3D and 2D views with brilliant graphics and a movie-quality soundtrack. Action arcade, $49.95. Headquartered in San Jose, California, Ocean of America, Inc., is a privately held company with sales in excess of $14 million. In the U.S., Ocean of America publishes games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo Entertainment System and Game Boy. Ocean of America computer-entertainment software is available for all major personal computer platforms. -*- *StarShip* Amiga *Flash* 7th of 7 Stories An Urgent Appeal from Fred Fish Himself _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / _ ) Tempe, AZ -- January 1993 / / ) / / (_/ / (_____/ver the last couple of years, I've noticed a trend where fewer and fewer people are on my direct subscriber list. This last year has seen a particularly sharp decrease, from about an average of 75 subscribers to the current low of 41. That's right, there are only 41 people or organizations in the whole world that receive disks directly from me as of Jan 17, 1993, with about half of them being outside the United States. During this last year, the amount of time I have had available to spend constructing disks, doing accounting, and otherwise managing the library has also dropped sharply, so that more than ever I depend upon using outside help for things like presorting the submitted material, creating prototype disks which I then use for constructing the final disks, and doing the actual duplication, packaging, and shipping of the disks. I cannot expect these people to work for nothing, so I have been paying them reasonable compensation for their time out of the ever dwindling subscription income. It has reached the point where sometime in the next month or two I will make a decision about whether or not to shut down the library, since if there are insufficient incoming funds to meet the operating costs as well as pay for an occasional perk like a trip to an Amiga show once or twice a year, or some new hardware toy, there is little incentive to continue spending 20-30 hours a month running it. If you are in a position to influence a club, computer store, or other Amiga related organization to maintain a direct subscription for new disks, and thus help fund continued maintenance of the library, and are interested in seeing the library continue to grow, I'd urge you to consider doing what you can to help push the number of direct subscribers back up to more reasonable levels. Thanks. -Fred __ |\/ o\ Fred Fish, 1835 E. Belmont Drive, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA |/\__/ Direct telephone number: 602/491-0048. -*- Over a GIGABYTE of Amiga files in our Library! Catch your limit of Fred FISH Disks from the *StarFish* Library. If you are after a SINGLE PROGRAM on a Fish Disk, SEARCH for it before downloading the disk. Most are available separately! _______________________________________________________________ | | | | | Permission is hereby granted to quote ALL or PART of this | | Newscast on a privately owned BBS or in a user group news- | | letter (*) provided you include the following credit: | | | | Reprinted by Permission from the 5-MINUTE Weekend | | News Network, a *StarShip*(tm) Production on GEnie(R). | | * /\ / | |_________________________________________________ ___/ \___ _| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ oo / ~ . \ \__/ / _ (*) We would like to know about it / \ if you do, and you can tell us \ /\ / *FREE* by leaving Feedback to / \/ \/ \ the SysOps on GEnie Page 555. *StarFish* Librarian February ViewPort -- Coming Soon!